1. Understand what it is and know what to expect
You know the electronic cigarette is not a cigarette in the sense that there is no tobacco or combustion. It's a spray that can stream or not nicotine, which usually contains 5 main ingredients:
- Propylene glycol to create steam and to carry fine droplets of nicotine and flavorings
- Vegetable glycerin to densify steam (making it thicker and whiter) and / or to also carry nicotine and flavorings
- Food-grade aromas (artificial or natural) to give it a taste (tobacco, fruit etc.)
- Water
- Alcohol
The presented above ingredients are present in the food and pharmaceutical industry has long known and healthcare professionals. Although scientific knowledge about the product is a strong need to expand, because inhaling aromas such is not the same as ingest, according to the electronic cigarette known to date research has a low risk toxicological profile and can be compared to some nicotine substitutes sold in pharmacies.
The traces of nitrosamines, formaldehyde and acrolein could be detected by some studies seem to be a very questionable part (experimental design) and also good loins (positively) threshold deemed acceptable by some health authorities. The fact that carbon monoxide and tar are not present in the vapor electronic cigarette eliminate most of the risks of smoking.
2. Buy good equipment
Do not expect to find the taste and effect of a cigarette, it has nothing to do (almost). As against the pleasure that can be drawn is comparable, better look at the action of smoking. It is a question of material, approach and time.
This may sound silly but the material makes all the difference especially when we started in the electronic cigarette. This can play a factor of two or disgust you or convince you in a minute. It is therefore important not to buy anything. I often advise the Deluxe Edition pack for people who ask me what to buy.
A simple and good advice I can give you is not to buy electronic cigarette with which you can not change the e-liquid (the famous product that steam / smoke). The crux of the ecig is change of e-liquid for something different and especially find those that suit you best, both in terms of taste and nicotine dosage.
3. Do not stop smoking completely
My third advice is behavioral. You are well placed to know that quitting smoking is a hell, it's stressful and depressing. From my own experience, I would advise you not to stress yourself by going directly to the electronic cigarette and waiting for her to rid you in a wink and forever tobacco. First impressions are always a little disappointing, it is therefore not reject the product if it has fulfilled its role as 70% substitute. It means rather that you almost find shoes to fill.
He personally took a few months to gradually reduce my consumption of cigarettes, before passing completely ecig. The transition must be done to me naturally and as I often tend to say, a cigarette in less that it is always to win, even if the real danger of smoking is the length, not quantity. If you adopt this attitude you will see that you can significantly reduce your smoking, stop smoking probably see forward.
In any case never hesitate to consult a health professional if in doubt. The in smoking cessation are now more informed about the product.
4. Talk about blogs and forums
Exchanging with others and discuss is not unique to the electronic cigarette when you want to stop smoking, the effect of group and social roots of your approach is important to reinforce his behavior, but there is also a technical dimension is important. The electronic cigarette is a device, depending on the model, which can be a bit complicated for a beginner (often called a learning curve).
I suggest you hang out on forums and chat with other vapoteurs. I personally fits the forume-cigarette.com. This is the biggest French forum on ecig, perfect to go smoothly in the world of electronic cigarette. Here you will find very welcoming and very patient people with beginners.
5. Vary the e-liquids
The pleasure of the electronic cigarette, or vapote now that you are a connoisseur, it's variety. The product contained in electronic cigarettes, e-liquid, can be very different depending on the brand you choose. Many manufacturers exist, French or foreign, and some really stand out. You'll be surprised what these companies, mostly created by ex-smokers manage to do today. I have tested the e-liquid full of flavor, pleasant to "vapoter" to the point that I have come to hate the taste of a real cigarette. But it takes time, do not hurry, for testing against, buy different e-liquid, is how you get to identify your tastes and find the e-liquid that will match.
Today the voting system that allows vapoteurs to let their views on e-liquids comprises over 4,000 comments and hundreds of e-liquids. Pass it out to give you ideas on what brands you head and create an account to participate in your turn to this knowledge base.
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